3 Facts to Know Before Filing a Car Accident Claim in Florida
Throughout the US, more and more personal injury claims are being filed than ever before. And the most common type of personal injury lawsuit is by far a car accident claim. With state laws constantly changing, and evolving, it has never been easier for an injured party to file a car accident claim – however, despite this shift, the constant fluctuations in personal injury law and the addition of no-fault insurance in the state of Florida, has made it quite a complex, and often confusing process. In Florida, if you have been injured in a car accident, it is important to acquire the services of a qualified attorney, who has the experience dealing with such laws. Throughout her many years practicing in Florida, Land O’Lakes personal injury lawyer, Anissa K. Morris, Esq. has helped countless clients attain the monetary compensation they deserve, being the victim of a car accident.
In the state of Florida, every driver must have what is called personal injury protection (PIP) or no-fault insurance. This no-fault insurance is designed to protect the motorists financially and allows them to obtain approximately $10,000 in compensation to pay for 80% of their medical bills and 60% of their lost wages. However, in most scenarios, depending on the severity of the accident and the injuries you might have suffered, this money is nowhere near enough. This is where Land O’Lakes personal injury lawyer, Anissa Morris, can help you to file a personal injury claim in order to obtain a more substantial amount of monetary compensation from the negligent party of the accident. Under the state’s no-fault insurance laws, you may file a car accident claim in Florida, if the damages which you incurred are more than the amount provided from your personal injury protection (PIP) or if you suffered permanent injuries as a result of the accident. Permanent injuries are defined as: 1) significant and irreversible loss of bodily function; 2) significant or irreversible disfigurement or scarring, or 3) the death of the injured party. As previously stated, it is up to your attorney to help you in filing the personal injury claim, depending on the circumstances of the accident and who the at-fault party was. But before filing your personal injury claim, here are 3 important facts to know.
· You Have a Limited Amount of Time – So Act Fast!
When attempting to file a car accident claim in Florida and any other state in the US, there is a statute of limitations that essentially puts a timer on how long you have to bring suit. In Florida the stature of limitations is generally four years, however depending on the specific circumstances, and the level of injury you or your loved ones may have incurred, that time limit may be cut down to as little as two years. Having an experienced attorney on your side like Land O’Lakes personal injury lawyer, Anissa K Morris, will ensure you know exactly how much time you have based on your specific situation and that your suit is filed in a timely manner. This is not only important just to meet the statute of limitations, but for the success of your suit, as often the faster you bring suit, the more likely you are to win your case and recover the most amount of damages possible.
· Legal Counsel is Vital and Will Pay for Itself
If you are even contemplating filing a car accident claim in Florida, it is vital that you hire an experienced attorney like Land O’Lakes personal injury lawyer, Anissa K. Morris. Having an attorney that is experienced in the laws of the state you are in, can help you to avoid certain mistakes along the way and will help advise you on the best methods to obtaining a much higher settlement than you would otherwise. Often times, when an individual chooses to discuss a settlement on their own with the other party and their insurance company, they make critical errors such as accepting the first offer given (usually nowhere near the amount they are actually willing to pay), discussing the case with outsiders or on social media, or giving a statement to the opposing insurance company. The other side is looking for any means possible to avoid paying you, and they will often try to trick and “trip you up” along the way. Be sure to hire an attorney right away, not just for a trial, but for the early negotiations and discussions as well – it will pay off in the long run.
· Avoid Contact with the Negligent Party – Early Mistakes Can Drastically Damage Your Claim
In almost every case, if the injuries are severe enough, your damages will likely always exceed the amount provided by the personal injury protection (PIP) or no-fault insurance. Before discussing this with anyone else, you should talk to your personal injury attorney. Often times, the at-fault party and their insurance company will attempt to provide you with medical care from a doctor they recommend or will contact you in an effort to obtain a recorded statement in which you end up downplaying the severity of your injuries. These people may come at you as if they are normal people, attempting to have a normal conversation – but in reality, they are looking for you to say even one word or phrase that they can hold against you later on in the proceedings. The best thing to do, is to call a lawyer immediately, seek medical care immediately, and document ALL of your injuries with photos and a written record, immediately.
If you’ve been involved in any type of accident as a result of another party’s negligence, it is important to obtain the services of a qualified attorney, like Land O’Lakes personal injury lawyer, Anissa K. Morris. She will work with her team at Spinner Law Firm, to ensure you obtain the justice and the financial compensation you deserve.