The Do’s and Don’ts of Every Car Accident Claim
When it comes to being involved in a car accident, no matter what the specifics circumstances might be, its important for an individual to maintain appropriate communication with heir car insurance company – in order to get the best idea of what’s going on within the case. According to Ms. Anissa Morris, considered to be the best personal injury lawyer Dade City has to offer, its important that you educate yourself as best you can on the subject of car accident law, and see what the exact specifics are for your state and district. The more familiar you and your attorney get with one another, the better you will be able to mount a positive defense for your issues. According to Ms. Morris, the best personal injury lawyer Dade City has in practice, this following important list of dos and don’t will help you better understand the itemized steps involved in your claim.
What Should You Do? In Car Insurance Claims
· First and foremost, it is vital that you call your agent as soon as possible. Possibly, unless you are badly injured, you should let them know before you even reach the doctor or emergency room – just to give them a heads-up.
· Review and try to better understand your insurance coverage. Read the “Coverage” and “Exclusion” sections of you policy in particular.
· Take and keep detailed notes of all conversations with insurance company representatives, and get names, phone numbers, and job titles of people you speak with, including their supervisor’s name.
· Consider whether you might have insurance coverage under some other insurance policy as well. Many people have more than one policy that might cover a claim. In particular, look at homeowner policies, “umbrella” policies, and materials that came with your credit cards.
· Take pictures, if possible, of damage to your vehicle, the accident scene, and your injuries.
· Be as honest as you can with the people on your insurers as well as your attorney and any other individuals who might be looking to help you. According to Ms. Morris, the best personal injury lawyer Land O’Lakes has to offer, failures to be truthful and being found to be lying or telling untrue facts during such a claim may completed damage things.
· Keep a clear and concise record, including receipts of all meals, lodging, and purchases made in connection with time spent pursuing your claim or recovering from your injuries from the time of the covered event until final settlement with your insurance company.
What Not to Do? In Your Car Insurance Claim
· Don’t give any recorded or written statements to your insurer until you are sure you understand your coverage. Remember you aren’t required to allow the insurance company to record your telephone conversation. If you have doubts, do consult an attorney.
· Don’t automatically accept the estimate or appraisal of your losses given to you by the insurer. Insurance companies will often try to get you to accept their estimator’s or contractor’s repair or replacement estimates, which might be a bit low.
· According to Ms. Morris, the best personal injury lawyer Land O’Lakes has to offer, be sure not to sign off on any documents or waivers or releases – essentially do not sign ANYTHING at all, without having an attorney that you are paying for or is on your side.
· Don’t accept any check that says “final payment” unless you are ready to do so.
· Don’t forget that you have a contract with your insurer. According to Ms. Morris, this is vital, as the best personal injury lawyer Land O’Lakes has to offer, the insurer has a legal obligation to provide the coverage it promised to you. Be insistent about enforcing that obligation.
For more information on the do’s and don’ts when it comes to your insurance company, automobile accident personal injury claims, and much more, be sure to contact Spinner Law Firm